Usherwood Blog

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managed IT Services | Cyber Security

By: Darrian Breedlove, Content Writer
February 27th, 2023

Maintaining cybersecurity can be a financially challenging feat, and can take up to an average of 10% of an IT budget.

Cyber Security

By: Darrian Breedlove, Content Writer
February 20th, 2023

It is essential to assess your company's security to mitigate cyber attacks or security inefficiencies. But how do you evaluate your company's state of security? Penetration tests and vulnerability assessments are a great way to maintain and enhance your secure environment.

Cyber Security

By: Darrian Breedlove, Content Writer
February 13th, 2023

Imagine you’re a large, well-known company, and you’ve just discovered your database has been breached. Three million files have been compromised, resulting in a loss of $5,000,000 in settlement. Your company’s bank account starts to dwindle, and you may be looking at potentially having to lay off employees. What could have been done to prevent this?

Managed Print | Cyber Security

Perhaps you have heard the term “Zero Trust” at some point over the last couple years. If so, hopefully it was in the context of cybersecurity and not as part of a couple’s therapy session. Even if you have heard the phrase…even if you understand the technical aspects of how to execute a Zero Trust network architecture…or perhaps because you already know just how difficult it is to actually migrate to such an environment…it remains light years from being the reality for most organizations.

managed IT Services | Cyber Security

By: Sarah Goltz, Content Manager
August 24th, 2022

Update: The Federal Trade Commission has extended the deadline of their Safeguards Rule that applies to auto dealerships from December 9th, 2022 to June 9th 2023, the article below reflects this update.

Cyber Security

By: Darrian Breedlove, Content Writer
June 17th, 2022

Ransomware victims can vary from large global companies to small businesses. Every business should take measures to learn what ransomware attacks are and how they can best be avoided.

managed IT Services | Cyber Security

By: Sarah Goltz, Content Manager
May 25th, 2022

As a business, it is essential to stay up to date on all the latest tactics used by hackers to gain access to confidential information. As a managed IT provider, we work with many businesses to help their employees understand and avoid phishing attacks.

Cyber Security

By: Sarah Goltz, Content Manager
February 14th, 2022

As technology becomes more advanced, cyber hackers are utilizing new tactics to infiltrate your network. It seems like every day there is a new headline about a business dealing with the consequences of a new cyber threat.

Cyber Security

By: Sarah Goltz, Content Manager
January 27th, 2022

When you think about hacking and who is typically the target, it is often associated with large corporations. It’s not likely you’ve seen many movies involving a big heist going for the small mom and pop store.

Cyber Security

By: Darrian Breedlove, Content Writer
January 26th, 2022

When it comes to cyberattacks, insider threats are commonly overlooked. Hazards are not only caused by external parties trying to get into your network. Many threats are coming directly within your own company.