Nathan Hock Receives Rookie of the Year Award


Nathan Hock is the recipient of this years Rookie of the Year Award. Nathan has been a vCIO for a little over a year now, but has quickly established himself as an essential member of our team. His 18+ years of expertise combined with his friendly demeanor is an excellent example of Usherwood values and we are proud to honor him with this award.

“Thank you so much for the honor of this award. The value of appreciation isn’t something easily stated. For me, its priceless. I feel privileged to work for an organization that expresses that appreciation often, values my input, and lets me work with such a great team of talented people.”

About Becky Enck, Digital Marketing Specialist

Becky Enck is the Digital Marketing Specialist at Usherwood. Since 2011, Becky has maintained the website, advertising, and social media accounts for Usherwood.