Usherwood Welcomes Leslie Usherwood as Solutions Architect


It is our pleasure to announce Leslie Usherwood as a new Solutions Architect to the Usherwood team! Leslie will be responsible for supporting the outside sales team and developing solutions in video conference and security and surveillance.

Leslie has a Bachelor of Science in Public Relations from SUNY Oswego. She played collegiate tennis, and actively raised awareness in the community for Cystic Fibrosis and National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) alongside her Sorority.

In her spare time, Leslie enjoys playing tennis, skiing, running, and playing with her French Bulldog, Gatsby. Leslie is also an aspiring 46er!

About Becky Enck, Digital Marketing Specialist

Becky Enck is the Digital Marketing Specialist at Usherwood. Since 2011, Becky has maintained the website, advertising, and social media accounts for Usherwood.